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Raincoat Rain Alarm - Minimal Local Weather and Precipitation Forecast App for US & Canada

4.6 ( 2816 ratings )
Počasí Životní styl
Vývojář: 1290 design d.o.o.

Rain sucks. Thats why Raincoat will notify you 15 minutes before it starts raining. So you can GET TO THE CHOPPA!!! or just get an umbrella. Thats up to you.

***NEW FEATURE***: Morning rain forecast. Always know when you should take an umbrella to work!

• Minimal interface
• Push notifications
• Based on real-time data for your exact location
• Always free & ad-free

Enabled by the combined powers of these awesome sources: www.chmi.cz, www.dwd.de, www.imgw.pl, www.meteofrance.com, www.aemet.es, www.metoffice.gov.uk, www.meteoromania.ro, www.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi, www.meteo.lv, www.met.hu, www.protezionecivile.gov.it, www.knmi.nl, www.meteo.hr, www.hnms.gr, www.meteo.by, www.dmi.gov.tr, www.weather.gov, www.jma.go.jp/jma/index.html, www.cma.gov.cn/en2014, web.kma.go.kr, www.tmd.go.th, www.bmkg.go.id

Location permission disclaimer: we are asking for your location as we will notify you 15 minutes before it starts raining at your current location.

Battery life disclaimer: continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.